hay striperman...i used marbling pigment...from mudhole tackle.. base coat your plug white........mix your two part epoxi i use flex coat
1- pour from your mix 2 nickle size spots of epoxi on a piece of foil
2- mix one spot with marbling pigment u dont need much i would say 1/8"dot of pigment and your choice of color
3- mix the other nickle size spot of epoxi with a differant color
4- now with the remaining epoxi which is clear (i like to add glitter to it).coat your plug
5- onece all coated take a tooth pick dip it into your first color and put a small dot on your plug about 1/8" and drag the color across the plug all differant directions with the pic
6- do the same with the second color... but in a differant location on the plug and using a differant pic rember to spin the plug to keep things even with no sags
7-just keep dragging the two pigments useing the tip of the toothpic until u like the effect
8-now let the plug dry the plug must spin until dry...i use a rod dryer motor to spin the plug slowly
go to YOUTUBE or
WWW.MUDHOLE.COM for video instructions CRB MARBLING good luck