If you are looking for help on an order or need to contact me in any way PLEASE use the contact page link on the website,
PLEASE DO NOT USE private messages on this forum.
I have two accounts one for the shop one for the office. If you pm me at the wrong place I CAN'T ANSWER YOU.
Please use email for order stuff and lure building questions etc should be asked directly on the forum for the benefit of all.
I try to funnel communications down to one email so it forwards to me and you can get the quickest response.
**************Please understand we don't use the telephone for any transactions.***************
It's me and my wife that do this. Can't do it all. My time is dedicated to manufacturing product. When we did offer telephone questions and orders it always took away from this and we found a loss of shop output as a result.
The last time we accepted telephone calls it was someone ordering a single $1.89 dressed hook. It took 1/2 hour to take the order from the guy, 5 minutes to make it, 15 minutes to box, invoice, charge card and label. 50 minutes spent for .25 profit.
So basically what I'm saying is send an email. If you want to be cute and reverse my telephone number somewhere online go for it. (yes plenty have done it) I'm just going to tell you to send an email and hang up. Sorry no telephone calls period. I answer every email.