Sent to me last year by a good customer.....Well worth a repost![/font]
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the shop,[/font]the tools were all ready, even the strop.[/size]Fresh from Saltys, first a dip in thinned varnish,[/size]In hopes that the finish avoids any tarnish.[/size]Using thickened epoxy, I added the lead,[/size]While visions of stripers danced in my head.[/size]The lures were hung on the rack with great care,[/size]Two coats of primer, so nothing is bare.[/size]And with my new vise (amidst all the crap),[/size]The 4/0 hooks are ready to wrap.[/size]Though the fish in the Hole, have taken flight,[/size]Surely in Spring, they’ll be back for a bite.[/size]And so all you fisherman, who dream of the fray:[/size]Merry Christmas! Twenty weeks and its May![/size][/size]Love making these lures.[/size][/size]Thought you might enjoy the email I sent my Woods Hole fishing buddies. [/size][/size]Best,[/size]Greg ********[/size]A very Merry Christmas to all and to all a GOOD night!Thanks Greg. Most excellent! [/font]