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Awesome John from Turkey


Dood has some mad paint skills. Guitar too! Google awesome john on youtube  bananalama!

Asim passed away on 6/24 of a heart attack. I'm crushed to hear this. Asim was a good friend. He and I conversed back and forth alot. He was a world of knowledge. He was one of the best guitar players I've ever seen. Asim RIP you will be missed.

I am sorry for your loss. 

After watching the video, I think it is a loss for everybody who knew him, and maybe an even bigger loss for those of us who never had the privilege.  He is so happy and enthusiastic that it's contagious!

Asim lived in an apartment and didn't have the facilities to turn wood lures so he was very attracted to my kits. We would go back and forth about lots of stuff. The guy just was a sweetheart..

Received a very nice return email from Asim's sister Allie today. Wicked nice people.


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